Here is a progress report on the Acknowledgement feature, which is coming along nicely.
Archive of posts from 2022
I’m currently making adjustments to the acknowledgement feature based on beta feedback.
In his seminal book, “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” there’s one particular anecdote that Dale Carnegie uses which I felt was particularly apropos to MOBA gaming behavior.
Acknowledgement is taking a lot longer than I initially had hoped, but I continue to make progress.
I’ve enabled comments on the blog.
Speakerphone mode is now working for the Acknowledgement feature!
Backup is one of those administrative tasks that you have to take care of if you run your own server. There’s a lot of options, ranging from just copying all your files to another server yourself, to setting up a backup package, to installing a backup service from your hosting provider.
This blog post by Marcus Buffet on Thoughts on Improving on Chess made some interesting points about self-improvement in general and how to properly use self-improvement tools, and I thought there was much there that could also apply to improving at esports. I recommend reading it; it’s not too long. Then you can return here for my thoughts.
Integrating the AVAudioEngine API into the rest of my app meant retooling some basic functionality, like saving .wav files.
I recently discovered that this site has more problems than I knew about.
Reiterate 1.4.0, with the new Acknowledgement feature, is now available on the App Store!
I recently finished Million Perfect Letters by 4am. Here is my review of the game.
As part of the Acknowldgement update to Reiterate, I also took advantage of the rewrite to move the app’s core audio code to the new Swift async/await concurrency model.
One of the most often repeated pieces of advice I see for League of Legends players is: be greedy. Always play for yourself, and assume your teammates are incapable of making the correct plays. I think this is a mistake.
Here’s a quick tip on how you can use your clip titles effectively with the Acknowledgement feature.
This article about weightlifting contains useful advice about working out in general, and includes one tip in particular that applies to esports play as well.
Keeping email addresses away from harvester bots is an old problem. I decided to apply some new technology to it.
One piece of advice I’ve seen given frequently is “You should mute all your teammates at the start of every game.” Here’s why I think you should reconsider that.
The Reiterate website has a fresh new look!
This bothersome bit of intrusion bot spam has been vexing me for some time, and I’ve finally figured out how to fix it.
Everyone agrees that autopiloting is a bad habit. Here’s how you can use Reiterate, and specifically its Acknowledgement feature, to eliminate autopilot from your game play.
Apple released the new StoreKit 2 API, and I’ve been working on updating Reiterate to use it.
Reiterate has been updated to version 1.4.3 and is now available on the App Store.
League of Legends offers players the ability to forfeit games. After a certain amount of time, any player can start a surrender vote, and if enough players vote Yes then the game ends with a loss. When is it appropriate to surrender a game?
For the new in-app purchase flow, with on-demand resouorces, I needed to organize Reiterate’s products into separate bundles.
One of the ways to use Reiterate’s tag feature is to filter infrequently-used tips.
Reiterate uses a backend server to coordinate its in-app purchases. The app and server communicate via a REST API. Here’s how I implemented that in Swift.
is the standard way of viewing system logs on Linux. But since the logs from all processes get consolidated in one place,
it can get quit spammy if one process dumps a lot of output. Here is how I filter out those bad processes.
I wanted Jekyll to notify me when it had completed building my site. Getting it to work the way I wanted involved patching together a bunch of almost-solutions from different places.
That’s a wrap for year two of my blog. It’s been mostly more of the same. I look back at encouraging trend lines from Google, and forward on what’s to come.