Here’s a quick tip on how you can use your clip titles effectively with the Acknowledgement feature.

One of the most often repeated pieces of advice I see for League of Legends players is: be greedy. Always play for yourself, and assume your teammates are incapable of making the correct plays. I think this is a mistake.

As part of the Acknowldgement update to Reiterate, I also took advantage of the rewrite to move the app’s core audio code to the new Swift async/await concurrency model.

Million Perfect Letters

27 Mar 2022
8 minute read

I recently finished Million Perfect Letters by 4am. Here is my review of the game.

Reiterate 1.4.0, with the new Acknowledgement feature, is now available on the App Store!

Google Site Issues

14 Mar 2022
3 minute read

I recently discovered that this site has more problems than I knew about.

Integrating the AVAudioEngine API into the rest of my app meant retooling some basic functionality, like saving .wav files.

This blog post by Marcus Buffet on Thoughts on Improving on Chess made some interesting points about self-improvement in general and how to properly use self-improvement tools, and I thought there was much there that could also apply to improving at esports. I recommend reading it; it’s not too long. Then you can return here for my thoughts.

Backup is one of those administrative tasks that you have to take care of if you run your own server. There’s a lot of options, ranging from just copying all your files to another server yourself, to setting up a backup package, to installing a backup service from your hosting provider.

Speakerphone mode is now working for the Acknowledgement feature!