Reiterate version 1.5.1 is now available on the App Store!

I’m moving to a new Mastodon instance

I’ve turned my manual server setup playbook into an Ansible playbook.

You’ll often hear the advice, “Play to improve, not to win.” What does that mean, exactly?

I’ve added Mastodon links to the blog. In the process I created a Jekyll plugin that does all the work.

What does Reiterate have in common with top-tier Olympic coaches? It’s all in your head.

2022 Recap

28 Dec 2022
6 minute read

That’s a wrap for year two of my blog. It’s been mostly more of the same. I look back at encouraging trend lines from Google, and forward on what’s to come.

Custom MacOS Notifications

04 Nov 2022
7 minute read

I wanted Jekyll to notify me when it had completed building my site. Getting it to work the way I wanted involved patching together a bunch of almost-solutions from different places.

How To Filter Journalctl By Unit

22 Oct 2022, revised 28 Oct 2022
6 minute read

Journalctl is the standard way of viewing system logs on Linux. But since the logs from all processes get consolidated in one place, it can get quit spammy if one process dumps a lot of output. Here is how I filter out those bad processes.

Reiterate uses a backend server to coordinate its in-app purchases. The app and server communicate via a REST API. Here’s how I implemented that in Swift.